4.4.02. I can't feel my hands. It's like something is covering them up. It hurts to turn my neck. I feel dizzy and floaty. I just want to sleep. Sickness is a curse.
I like coming to work very much but I don't like working in the presence of my authority Joe. I feel as though he's just waiting for me to mess up. Everyone else is cool. It seems they all have something to teach me. A slice of their life to offer and the pleasure of being around them all is truly devine.
I have to memorize couplets for English class tomorrow providing that I go. I will write them down for memorizational purposes:
And yet believe me good as well as ill
Woman's at best, a contradiction still
And yet what is man??
Honor and shame from no condition rise
Act well your part, here all the honor lies
Hope springs eternal in the human breast
Man never is but always to be blessed
Trust not yourself but your defects to know
Make use of every friend, and every foe
I have such odd dreams when I am sick. Just before I awoke today, I was at this beach in this strange clothing shop with Janine and Kara. There was all kinds of jewerly and wild offits that I wanted to try on and buy. It makes me wonder, how does my mind create such images? Have I seen them all before or am I making it all up now?
I also dreamed that my grandmother passed away. Ever so quietly and yet I never said goodbye. Surprisingly, when I went downstairs this morning, I find that she has returned from my aunt's house.
My aunt sends me some plants today. The flowers are purple. They are cute little guys. I'll be sure to take care of them. Life is blooming all around us.
"She'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain. She'll make you live her crazy life and she's take away your pain" -Ricky Martin
Christopher and I were talking about feminism last night, he tells me how disgusted he is by porn. I find porn entertaining when I don't look at the actors as actual human beings.
"Make yourself a part of me, a part of me to let you go" -Orgy
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