Another newsletter excerpt below. This is very fitting for me since on Monday, March 15th, the day of the new moon, I will begin teaching yoga and meditation classes. I am thrilled to have this opportunity and move into this new exciting period of my life.
Did you know there's a powerful new moon coming up on Monday,
March 15th? Every new moon is a time of new beginnings, and this
one is an especially good time for inspiration and new directions
that can lead to great things.
According to the astrology newsletters I read, this upcoming new
moon is unique due to the congregation of the Sun, Moon, Mercury,
and Uranus all very close together in a tight pattern that supports
inspiration, new ideas, greater insight and intuition through
alignment with higher consciousness, and breakthrough
problem-solving and decision-making. It's a good time to choose to
move beyond any old emotional patterns that are no longer serving
"If you're ready to do something different, then this New Moon on
the Ides of March is a time to set some intention."
-- Madeline C. Gerwick (
"The creative impulse that is borne out of this New Moon is
powerful and intelligent in its impact, and can be harnessed for
great things. ... This New Moon is definitely worth planning for
due to the inspiration that is unlocked here. This is not so much
time for collaboration as it is for initiating new ideas and new
inner awakenings."
-- Lynn Hayes (
This weekend into Monday is a good time to reflect on what new
directions you'd like to take over the next few months. I
especially recommend doing this if it's been a while since
you've done any new feng shui in your space.
Revisit the ba gua, and think about (and/or meditate on) which
areas represent the changes you'd most like to see over the next
few months. Since "thinking about" implies a somewhat logical,
left-brain approach, be sure also to allow your intuition space to
speak up. It might point you in a new direction you haven't yet
If you've been focused on one particular aspect of life for a while
(relationships, or prosperity, for example), be sure to remain open
to looking in a different direction at this time. You don't have to
set those relationship or financial ambitions aside, but do be open
to an intuitive nudge that points you in a new direction. The
energy of this new moon is about changing your focus in some way;
you have the opportunity now to do that deliberately and with
strong intention, rather than waiting for something to surprise you
down the road.
If your life has been going well and you have no burning desire
for a new direction, you might choose to focus on an area of your
home that you'd especially like to change, declutter, reorganize,
or redecorate.
Once you've clarified a strong new moon intention, write it on a
piece of paper, and place it in the relevant gua within your home
or office. (Be sure to focus on the positive OUTCOME you desire, not
on any specific problem or challenge you want to overcome.)
What "new beginnings" will you focus on for this powerful new moon?