I was just flipping through my 'inspiration book' which is essentially a scrapbook I created to give me a lift whenever I am feeling blah and I came across a witty and smart conversation my dear friend Jen and I had back in 2002. I had to laugh as I read it but it inspired me to share.
Pixy516: I just finished watching The Wedding Planner :-(
GrapeGirl81: Oh Jen don't think of that stuff
Pixy516: Kill
GrapeGirl81: Listen this is how it is...everyone is messed up right now...in the process of learning. Think about it. No one is really capable of giving complete love right now because we're all going through the experiences we need to become emotionally strong and mature and that's how it's supposed to be. It's like, you wouldn't want to take a cake out of the oven if it's not cooked all the way...it wouldn't taste good...that's how you have to look at it. We are all works in progress. Things will fall into place eventually and it will all work out for the best.
Pixy516: That's good
GrapeGirl81: Yeah I thought that all up today
Pixy516: How do you know when to take the cake out?
Pixy516: Will it ever cook?
Pixy516: And even if it's cooked, what if it's never fully cooked?
GrapeGirl81: I know sometimes it gets lonely and it's hard to wait but my dad gave me some good advice, he's like the best thing you can do to bring good things your way is to focus on the future, making sure you do good in school, establish independence for yourself and get really confident and comfortable with who you are
Pixy516: I'm serious. People are going to be uncooked forever.
GrapeGirl81: This is true
Pixy516: So it's never a good time...to take the cake out
GrapeGirl81: I mean we are all humanly imperfect. Like today at work, this woman asked if she could get a discount on a book she was purchasing because it was damaged a little...'not perfect' she said
GrapeGirl81: The guy who was ringing her up said very matter of factly...well we aren't perfect either
GrapeGirl81: I just say keep the cake in the oven until the timer goes off...and you will hear it baby! It will ring loud and clear
Pixy516: I don't decide when the timer goes off though
GrapeGirl81: Right, it's not in your hands. But it'll be worth it. When it's finally done you get to decorate it and put the icing on and eat it!
Pixy516: I can control the degrees
GrapeGirl81: It'll be so yummy, and then you'll get fat!
Pixy516: I don't really like cake
GrapeGirl81: Oh.
Pixy516: What about...a pie
GrapeGirl81: Yes, a pie will work too
Pixy516: Good
GrapeGirl81: Pie is better because when it's done, you get to see what's underneath the crust
Pixy516: Stab it with a fork!