9.14.00. Oh my friend. I am so lonley right now. I'm terribly tired but the noise outside keeps me awake. I'm listening to another tape Brad made me. He's awesome. Heather just invited me to aerobics tomorrow. I'm there.
"Do your feet hurt? Did you fall from heaven. Cause you've been running through my mind all day." -MxPx
5.13.01. Wanna know how Randy proposed to Lana? He put a message board around Rocky's neck (their dog) that said 'Lana will you marry me?' That's sooo cute! I'm so lucky to have Lana as a big sister. She's so important to me. She tells me all about guys and her culture and about life.
"Be yourself. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
Kara comes home tomorrow, yayy!
I hung out with Joy yesterday and she made me feel really good. Sometimes that's all it takes. One sunny afternoon with a childhood friend. And the whole world is dreamy.
"Some people become good friends and stay awhile leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts and we are never quite the same"
Tony yelled at me today for carrying my knife at work. Jerkoff. I'll carry it anytime I want thank you.
Adam went to the Y with me yesterday and wore jeans. What is that about? I was like 'you can't work out in those!'
Norma said she finds it strange that I'm 19 and have only had sex with one person. She thinks it's like rare or something.
"Without love there is no freedom, without love, freedom is merely an idea which has no value at all" -Krishnamurti
Joy told me something pretty cool, she said that sometimes you just have to bite your tongue even if you think you can predict a sitution. Sometimes you just have to let it play out and know that eventually the other person will see.
I just don't feel like I want to be with anyone right now. No need to. I feel so into myself and wanting to learn about myself more and why I changed and acted certain ways. I never want to go back to how I was a year ago. So glad I finally saw the light. I feel so happy now. Kara told me last night that I'm like a year behind everything. How I missed out on all these good songs and all this stuff b/c of what I went through. She said how much I hurt all my friends b/c they watched me go from this gorgeous cheerleader to wearing all black and stuff. She said no one could believe it and I was like 'hon, I'm all about being cute again!'
"In my younger years, I used to be so free" -MxPx
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