Wednesday, March 5, 2008


9.7.07. I need a new job. This one is wearing me thin. I need more money. The people I work with bring me down. I wake up excited each day but by 5pm I am worn and weary. I find myself gasping for air, my throat and chest are closed up. I don't think it's normal to feel this stressed out or maybe I've just never had to work this hard before. There's so much to do but time flies by. I need Robin/Creative time. I will be 26 in one week. I remember being 20 and saying I was going to get serious about my writing. I don't want 9-5pm. I don't want a desk job or office politics. I need to be a freelancer or find my enterpruneur spirit.

"No amount of wanting ever acheived anything without a lesson attached"

Brian and I took these quizzes before we got married to determine our values. We both ranked wealth as number 2 after love. I feel like our lack of wealth strains our relationship a bit. I don't want to think/worry about money all the time. I want to learn to grow herbs and sell them or make soy candles. I want to help the world.

"Look for the dream that keeps coming back"

Lately, I've been wanting a house. Dreaming of having our own place. Entertaining friends, etc. It's so damn hot down here. Being up north made me want to move back. Maybe even to New York. I want to cook more! Sigh! So many wonderful things to do in this life.

"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching"

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