5.2.08 If you are just tuning in, welcome. This is my online archive of poetry, journal excerpts, freewriting, photography and the process of me - a work in progress. I love to write and express what I'm feeling even if my paper is the only thing that listens. My friend (sister) Shelly encouraged me to start an online blog and now I'm addicted! I love contributing to the dialogue of life - and if sharing my ideas, hopes, fears, doubts and questions helps anyone at all, then I have succeeded.
I love reading your stories too - learning what makes you tick and what you struggle with. I like to comment and give feedback but most often I tend to just observe, but I'm silently cheering you on as we all brave through this life together, leaping forward, fumbling backwards but always living, learning, loving and hopefully laughing along the way. So thank you for sharing and thank you for reading!
"If I could tell the world just one thing, it'd be, we're all okay" - Jewel
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