Friday, August 14, 2009

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I am the words that pour from my lips, lighting my way into tomorrow.

I am a shadow of my former self with softer edges, defined by the light of my understanding.

With divided loyalties I am committed to the two until they merge into one.

I am the higher self reflected back in a moment of intimacy and genuine relationship.

I am the question that remains on the fringe of recollection.

I am the intuition that rises in a moment of stillness. I am the stillness.

I am the crest of a wave, carried forward, serving its purpose then relenting.

I am the current that gently supports a falling leaf, moving it into its next cycle.

I am the fragrance of jasmine, blooming a welcome to the onset of night.

I am the gurgle in a new baby's giggle, a song of wonderment and mirth.

I am the smell of wet soil, promising fertility and completion.

I am the whisper heard in a chattering brook, of stories yet untold.

I am the warmth of the sun on your face on a long autumn day, telling of seasons to come.

I am the crackling of a fire as it baptizes a length of hickory.

I am the spark of recognition in the face of a friend, warming the corners of your heart.

I am you.

With remembrance and expansion dawns the space to carry all.

-Author Unknown

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