4.15.08. Yesterday I went to some meetings with my boss and it was a little strange spending the day with him and trying to make somewhat normal conversation. I asked him what the most challenging part is about running your own business and his answer surprised me. He said it was the personnel issues. He said the downfall of many great companies is usually because of personnel problems. I am kind of like a rock at work, so this was nice, in a sense to hear. Just knowing that more than likely, everyone is going through crap that might affect their productivity level. I don't know I'm like that because of how I was raised - my dad kept everything in our family super quiet... I have no problem letting people know what's going on in my life normally but at work, I am pretty closed up. I don't know why, maybe it's like show no weakness kind of thing, or I just don't want to give anyone there a reason to talk.
"We ain't got no place to go, let's go to the punk rock show" - MxPx
Alan & I went to see L.L Cool J this weekend and also The Starting Line. Quite the contrast of bands I suppose but both shows were a fun time. I found it funny how they portrayed LL as this larger than life iconic rap figure. I was amused more than anything at that show. The Starting Line is a punk band that really took me back to my carefree days of basement shows and cargo shorts. I love shows like that, the crowd is excited and the band is rocking out. It gives me great comfort to know that pretty much anywhere around the world you go, you can find a punk rock subculture. Alan whispered to me 'it's hard to believe we're at Disney World'. But there are people everywhere who identify with this following as I so strongly have. When I am at a show, it feels like we are all united. No differences matter, if you fall, someone picks you up. There's an unspoken understanding, everyone is looking out for one another. It's the kind of cohension you seldom experience in everyday life. House of Blues is a great venue. Another band called Bayside played too, they were pretty good.
"To all those who loved me so much, I'd like to return the favor and have something left to give.." - The Starting Line
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